Tag Archives: projects

US Embassy: AFRIKANET a reliable partner for governmental organization.

US Embassy afrikanet
AFRIKANET and The US Embassy are close partners since 2014 providing an Internet connection for this governmental organization to work efficiently.


About the US Embassy:

The US Embassy in Republic Democratic of Congo is composed of several offices around the country and several departments working closely together. The aim of The US Embassy is to improve economical, political and cultural relations between the Republic Democratic of Congo and the United States of America.

The US Embassy as a section called information Resources Centers where more than 70 people per day come daily to do their research. Readers, researches, professors, doctors are counting on a good internet connection to properly carry out their research. The IRC is equipped with a library, inclusive electronic books are available, more than 20 computers and kindles are connected.

AFRIKANET solution:

The US Embassy needed a proper Internet connection to ensure a qualitative service to the company looking for information or researchers to achieve their work and to do so AFRIKANET was contacted. AFRIKANET equipped The US Embassy with a VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) mounted on a 30 meters antenna. For this project, it was initially planned to install an antenna and a mast at the Embassy. The antenna was expected to transmit the signal to the other sites. However, the mast was not able to see the three principal objectives (UPC, IMT and CALI) in direct visibility.

US Embassy afrikanet

Therefore, it was necessary to use a second mast situated on another building – Panorama, which is a 6-floor building with a 20 meter mast on it. This station was used as a relay station. From there all the antennas serve the different sites of the Embassy (point to point system). Briefly, there is a 30 meter antenna mast at the embassy which transmits the signal to Panorama (P2P system), and this one includes five antennas (so if a link is dead, there are other roads) that are going to transmit the signal to all the other sites.

This solution gave the opportunity to The US Embassy to ensure a reliable and fast service to the local population

Our commitment to provide qualitative solution to governmental organization gave the possibility to The US Embassy to ensure a fast and reliable service to local populations and to preserve the image convey by the USA around the world. A dedicated fast and reliable Internet connection is necessary for the Public Diplomacy of The US Embassy in Democratic Republic of Congo to provide the local population with updated information on the political, economic, cultural, education and social life of the USA and the world. AFRIKANET provides the required bandwidth for pleasant surf on the web, a smooth video streaming and high-standard video conferences.

Before, the local providers were unable to provide a reliable and fast enough connection to work in real time, to download videos. AFRIKANET’s task was then to provide a technology and equipment capable of supporting such a bandwidth need.


Another challenge for AFRIKANET was in financing the project because, when you work with a public institution such as an embassy, they do not pay upfront. AFRIKANET must finance the project, which includes the equipment, the personnel and also the local contractors.

“This time, I can say that the speed and the reliability is spotless, we can do everything without any interruption or problem” has confessed M. Mbwesangolo, manager in a local company. “It is better than before, we are happy to work and to do our researches in such good conditions” has also declared M. Kubanga, civil engineer.

Our basic VSAT equipment is composed of different dish sizes from 1.2m to 1.8m, an iDirect X3 modem, 3 or 5 watt BUC, LNB, and other cables and connectors. Additional products might be added if needed such as Wlan products: WiFi and Wimax devices.

For more info about VSAT bandwidth and equipment do not hesitate to contact us.


AZTELCO new customer for AFRIKANET

aztelco and afrikanet
AFRIKANET with its team of engineers and experts in satellite transmission contributes to the success of AZTELCO projects by providing unlimited WAKA Mini VSAT solution for their local need.

About Aztelco:

AZTELCO is an engineering office based in Paris, FRANCE and specialized in the field of telecommunications, new information and communications technology, present for 40 years in Africa.

AZTELCO completed several large projects. One of them was in Congo, in 2013, this project won the national coverage of telecommunication project in the Congo localities with the optical fiber.

aztelco and afrikanet

AFRIKANET solution:

AZTELCO, as an engineering office, needed a reliable provider at the forefront of technology that will help it in the implementation of these numerous projects in the field of satellite transmission. AFRIKANET with its team of engineers and experts in satellite transmission contributes to the success of their projects by providing unlimited WAKA Mini VSAT solution for their local need.

WAKA Mini VSAT allows you to have access to internet but also television channels and VoIP for free! To subscribe to this solution, you first need to check if your country is coverage by our satellite Ku-Band, choose your monthly speed, and get your WAKA equipment.


For more information about this WAKA solution, visit our website for this product here, or do not hesitate to contact us.

Afrikanet connects Internet to airports for SODEXAM

airport sodexam
AFRIKANET and ARTI are now connected airports across Côte d’Ivoire with the company Sodexam from 2015 to 2018.

About the project:

SODEXAM is a state-owned company with a capital of FCFA which missions are controlling and managing 15 airports in Ivory Coast. The company is responsible for:

– The implementation of the legislation on the Civil Aviation and Meteorology, particularly in the areas of following activities: Air navigation / Aerodromes / Airport safety and facilitation / Aviation and airport Medicine,

– Meteorology and areas relating thereto;

– The provision of aeronautical, airport and weather to meet the needs of the community while ensuring efficiency, safety, and regularity

– Monitoring and control of airport concessions

– Airport development, aviation and meteorology


SODEXAM recently open a new airport in Korgoho which is the 5th biggest airport of the country. To be truly attractive and have a competitive advantage to grow bigger and stronger Korhogo airport needed a fast and reliable Internet connection.

 “The opening of the Korhogo airport by our minister of transports on 15th of November has been a success. The general impression has been very good”, said Mr Mamadou Diabaté, Chief of the Main Information System Department at SODEXAM.

AFRIKANET solution:

AFRIKANET is supplying Internet to 14 different airports in 14 different cities separated and 2 different services!

– San Pedro, Tabou, Daloa, Yamoussouko, Sassamdra, Gagnao, Dimboko, Bondoukou and Adiake are fully equipped with a VSAT equipment and a Ku-band broadcast on satellite T-11N

– Abidjan, Bouake, Khorogo, Odienne and Man are fully operational under a VSAT equipment + C-band operated under AMOS 5 satellite.

Our VSAT equipment is composed of different dish sizes from 1.2m to 1.8m, an iDirect X3 modem, 3 or 5 watt BUC, LNB, and other cables and connectors. Additional products might be added if needed such as Wlan products: WiFi and Wimax devices.

AFRIKANET also provides VSAT training to SODEXAM technicians to help them to be 100% independent: install new equipment and maintain equipment.

Our VSAT training grants you access to a GVF certification with different degrees of graduations depending on your needs.

Our commitment to spread Internet across Côte d’Ivoire made possible this project to see light. Nowadays Sodexam can organized better its activity, offer a qualitative service to its travelers AFRIKANET and its partners were deeply committed together on the telecommunication part of this great project.

 vsat airportvsat airport

“The collaboration with Afrikanet in order to provide us Internet per satellite with a high speed is outstanding and the next airports to link will be developed on the same basis”, added Mr Diabaté

For more info about VSAT product and VSAT training do not hesitate to contact us.


01 BP 13042 Abidjan 01


Tel: +225  77 73 92 71



Build a microfinance future with Coris Bank International

Coris Bank
AFRIKANET has been working with Coris Bank International for more than five years. In 2010, our team has collaborated with the worldwide recognized burkinese bank in establishing a VSAT network for 7 different sites in Bobo Dioulasso, Koudougou, Kaya, Pouytenga, Dedougou, Gaoua including the main office in Ouagadougou.

About Coris Bank International:

Coris, Holding SA, is an investment company created by Mr. Idrissa NASSA, in order to represent the whole interests of CORIS group.

Coris Bank

These are the main missions of CORIS Bank International:

– To identify, to propose and to realize strategic operations which can help a company or a subsidiary in the long term; to prospect and to identify growth prospects for the group;

– To provide an operational support to subsidiaries in creation, in reorganization or facing problems;

– To strengthen a group identity and to cultivate a sense of belonging among group members;

– To install a unique and performant management system for the whole company, including all its subsidiaries, which will be guided by competent and experimented managers;

– To establish a control and monitoring system for all subsidiaries;

– To strengthen the tools of performance measurement.

To sum up, CORIS HOLDING SA’s goal is to represent Mr. Idrissa NASSA’s aspirations: implementing a financial and banking group working on a worldwide scale and centered on SMEs.


It has been a true challenge as well as the beginning of a long term partnership for both companies launching the possibilities to collaborate for future projects. The VSAT project with Afrikanet was an interconnection project of Coris’ branches to its headquarters for banking transactions. As a bank Coris needed an optimal connection for internal and external transactions. Agencies cannot work if they have no connection with the central office.

How the technology VSAT works:


For more info about VSAT bandwidth and equipment do not hesitate to contact us