AFRIKANET and LYZ-DIGITAL brought Benin ahead in telecommunication in 2012/2013 with several Internet connections in 3 major cities. Our commitment to connect people together to improve African connectivity made AFRIKANET one of the leaders in telecommunication across Africa. LYZ-DIGITAL had the possibility to meet its customers’ needs with a qualitative C-band bandwidth. READ MORE

AFRIKANET has been working with Coris Bank International for more than five years. In 2010, our team has collaborated with the worldwide recognized burkinese bank in establishing a VSAT network for 7 different sites in Bobo Dioulasso, Koudougou, Kaya, Pouytenga, Dedougou, Gaoua including the main office in Ouagadougou. It has been a true challenge as well as the beginning of a long term partnership for both companies launching the possibilities to collaborate for future projects. READ MORE

The University of Ghana is the premier university and the largest university in Ghana was founded as the University College of the Gold Coast by Ordinance on August 11, 1948 for the purpose of providing and promoting university education, learning and research. The vision of the University is to become a “World Class research-intensive University” over the next decade. And AFRIKANET helped the university to attempt its goal by providing internet installation to help education and connect every student together. READ MORE

Since 2013 the collaboration between AFRIKANET and ASECNA began effective. AFRIKANET installed VSAT equipment and Wlan solution in order to meet the needs of the aviation organisation. ASECNA is an international public institution governed by the Dakar Convention revised in 2010, with a legal personality and financial autonomy. READ MORE

AFRIKANET and Save The Children partnered from 2011 to 2013 to provide Internet to pupils in need for a better education in Cote d’Ivoire. Save the Children supports education programs that are proven to promote learning in school and in the community. It works to influence global and national policy to improve children’s access to quality education, from pre-school care through to adulthood. Additionally, Save the Children, delivers education programs to reach children who are out of school. READ MORE

The Ivory Coast government was dreaming about this project for a while and the minister of transports Gaoussou Toure has recently opened the launch of the domestic flights within the country. “The opening of the Korhogo airport by our minister of transports on 15th of November has been a success. The general impression has been very good”, said Mr Mamadou Diabaté, Chief of the Main Information System Department at Sodexam. READ MORE

TeleCommunication Systems, Inc. (TCS) produces solutions for communications that demand proven high levels of reliability, security, and availability. In 2014, Telecom System asked AFRIKANET to provide high speed broadband internet for their customer via VSAT and took AFRIKANET to help them in their projects. READ MORE

ROHN has been the world leader in tower design and tower manufacturing for more than six decades. It continues to meet the demands of their customers with innovation in design, continuous process improvement and a drive to employ the talent and knowledge leaders in the tower manufacturing industry. In the last few years, United Nation UNHCR asked Afrikanet to provide wireless LAN in MALI thanks to the technology of the ROHM tower. Afrikanet was able to provide the Tower and reunited all the equipment to build it and spray wireless in Mali. READ MORE

LIPTINFOR NIGER is a company specializing in the telecommunications sector: Implementation of complex network system, providing broadband Internet, VSAT connection, site interconnection, VoIP, VPN, data security, etc. Based in West Africa since 1989 and present in all major cities of Niger since 2005, LIPTINFOR carried on, thanks to its partner AFRIKANET, several VSAT Installation projects in mining areas. READ MORE

Royalty Hotels and Recreations is a Nigerian top-class hotel offering sophisticated luxury rooms for both business and leisure travelers. AFRIKANET provided two of their hotels with a safe and efficient Internet. Afrikanet worked with Royalty Hotels and Recreations, and thanks to its engineer team, Afrikanet connected two of Royalty Hotels and Recreations’s hotels: the main office at Eket - Oron Road Akwa Ibom state of Nigeria and another one at Marina Eket - Akwa Ibom states. READ MORE

AFRIKANET brought its ALCON phone, a Long Rang Cordless Phone (LRCP) brand, to solve SHELL NIGERIA communication issues. Indeed they needed to communicate with easiness between their offices on and offshore. ALCON phones are very powerful LRCP phones with which you can stay connected up to 200km away from the base station. READ MORE

This pilot project links the University Hospital of Dakar-Fann (Senegal) with the Regional Hospital in Dioubel. Thanks to this project the transmission of medical images as well as patient data records and other medical information is now possible. In partnership with JVM, AFRIKANET was able to provide wireless LAN to network hospital due to facilitate transmission between each hospital and make it easier. This project was not possible without Afrikanet and we are glad to have been part of this huge project in Senegal. READ MORE

ReDeMaRe MCNP is a microfinance company in Togo which works for a better access to resources and encourages common actions for the global benefit of the society. In order to improve its efficiency and to work in better conditions, ReDeMaRe MCNP decided to establish a wireless internet network to connect its offices. AFRIKANET brought the appropriate answer to ReDeMaRe MCNP by providing them a wireless internet network. READ MORE

As part of improving its communication of its various archdioceses, the Archdiocese of Lome wishes to offer the installation of a VSAT link more interconnection of its various sites. Thanks to AFRIKANET solution, this project was launched and succeeded. The Sacred Heart Cathedral Lome is the mother church of the Archdiocese of Lome (since September 14, 1955), one of the seven Catholic ecclesiastical districts of the Republic of Togo. Built in just over one year (from April 1901 to September 1902) by the German colonial authorities, then it is one of the iconic buildings of the new Togolese capital. READ MORE

Since 2013 the collaboration between SKA Telecom and AFRIKANET began effective. To date AFRIKANET has worked with SKA Telecom on many projects including the digitization of the Togolese TV, installing antennas in radios Lome and Kara, distribution Radwin equipment SKA Telecom. And over time their collaboration not only increased thanks to the quality of service offered AFRIKANET and the trust placed in it the SKA Telecom. READ MORE