Category Archives: Niger


LIPTINFOR carried on, thanks to its partner AFRIKANET, several VSAT Installation projects in mining areas.


About the company:

  LIPTINFOR NIGER is a company specializing in the telecommunications sector: Implementation of complex network system, providing broadband Internet, VSAT connection, site interconnection, VoIP, VPN, data security, etc.
Based in West Africa since 1989 and present in all major cities of Niger since 2005,
LIPTINFOR carried on, thanks to its partner AFRIKANET, several VSAT Installation projects in mining areas.


AFRIKANET solutions:

In order to increase its expansion in major interconnection projects in mining areas, LIPTINFOR long sought a serious partner, with competent and advanced technology. Its partnership with AFRIKANET was for the company a way to climb in the market of the interconnection of mining areas of Niger, leader on this sector.
  AFRIKANET provides LIPTINFOR the point of equipment adapted to the mining areas at competitive prices.


To stand by LIPTINFOR in the implementation of major projects in NIGER, AFRIKANET connected by satellite on every LIPTINFOR’s sites a Ku-Band and C-Band solution. The advanced material used: Antenna VSAT 1.2m  ku-band; Antenna VSAT 2.4m c-band; Modem iDirect  X3 évolution; Bandwidth 768/256  Kbps; BUC and LNB C-Band et Ku-Band; Kit  Waka mini-VSATfor smaller needs.

vsat equipment

For more information about VSAT equipment for mining do not hesitate to contact us.