All posts by TFK hermann


Africa, more than any other place, has been the great stage for innovation, and the focuses of extraordinary rising great power like never before in its history. Vagelis Antoniadis, Owner at Cytech quoted in his invitation to the Greek enterprise ‘’ who and why should attend GREEK DELEGATION 17-19 November 2015 CTICC, Cape Town ‘’ [1]


Some figures about this specific market WHY SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA

  • About 1 Billion People
  • 722M Mobile Connections
  • 5% Annual Economic Growth Rate
  • Similar Time zone

These are all meaningful revenue opportunities; you can judge it by the interest it generates in the west. Does it ring your bell, any business idea, why not?

You… Have …an Idea!!

Well done!  That’s where everything starts, especially when the market is there and everyone will pay for quality service. By century’s end, demographers predict that Africa’s population could reach a staggering 3.5 billion, making it larger than China and India combined [2].

Africa is big! Africa is not one country CHALLENGES, you can’t do it alone even if you were starting. From the get go, you need a Team.

What’s a team !!

Google will explain it better than I will J ; the bottom line is starting with communication and ending with communication. In between, capitalize on common plan and goal, support each other, adapt fast and learn fast. You don’t have an idea!! Not to worry, we’ve all been there. Be open to ideas; encourage others to share and explore their domain of expertise, passions, dream and desire and be a good listener.

Build bridges, the friend of your friend is your friend right? Why don’t you bring them together?


Wow your team is taking shape!!  Then a courageous will say

Show…me..the …Money !!!

Always needed and hard to find, Zig ziglar define it as not the most important but pretty close to Oxygen. At the starting point it’s mostly needed to recruit the best advisors and potential. You don’t need it!! Afrikanet travel the world to bring together solutions, ideas and various platforms to drive success and revenue stream in AFRICA for AFRICAN and by AFRICAN. Don’t take my words for granted, please review a few listed success stories  .

Come!! Say  we will be delight to start with you!!

[1]V. Antoniadis,, Accessed online 07/11/2016
[2] Howard W. French, China's Second Continent: How a Million Migrants Are Building a New Empire, 


Editor: Eldruige Herman Fopa

Head of solutions and sales


In order to maintain a standard of operation, the Ivorian National Bank “CNCE” (LA CAISSE NATIONALE DES CAISSES D’EPARGNE) called upon the expertise of Afrikanet for an interconnection of their network.   With an experience of over 16 years on the African telecommunication market, AFRIKANET, took a giant step in putting in place a HUB at the National head office in Abidjan-Plateau, Immeuble SMGL 11, Avenue Joseph Anoma Abidjan.


“LA CAISSE D’EPARGNE (CNCE)”, is a proximity bank, with a banking services engine that supports vulnerable populations and is firmly committed to being a relay to the reconstruction policy of Ivory Coast.

It assists institutions in fulfilling their tasks such as:

  • The ADDR in the fulfillment of the process of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of ex-combatants
  • The ministry of culture in the fight against piracy of artistic works
  • The Department of Animal and Fishery Resources, in supporting the poultry sector.

cnce1aThe CNCE (Caisse Nationale des Caisses d’Epargne) in its vision and its ongoing quest for banking services, offers everyone innovative banking products:

  • Mobile Banking (banking by cell phone) allows anyone in any place to conduct banking operations without moving.
  • A single reference in the Ivory Coast, an innovation TRUCK MOBILE BANK is a bank that moves to go to meet people even in the remotest regions.

In order to maintain a smooth connectivity for the banking platform, AFRIKANET as an international Satellite Services provider last month May 2016, installed a 3.7m HUB at the CNCE head office in in Abidjan-Plateau, Immeuble SMGL 11, Avenue Joseph Anoma Abidjan, Ivory Coast.


This HUB is intended to facilitate the management of the platform and interconnection of remote agencies all over Ivory Coast.

Aligned to T11N Ku band Satellite, this HUB incorporates the latest technologies to permit the smooth functioning of Server–client base applications, inter-agency phone Calls etc. over the satellite.

AFRIKANET through its engineers, equally made a tour of Ivory Coast in order to interconnect 91 VSATs on remote agencies dispatched all over Ivory Coast to the Central HUB’s Network in Abidjan. This interconnection using Cisco Routers provides a platform for exchange of information from the head office and agencies.

In an expression by CNCE’s network engineer who went round with Afrikanet team: “We are amazed with Afrikanet’s deployment team. They portray professionalism, and work done is so esthetic. A dynamic team of engineers who are always ready for action. It is rare to see guys who will work without rest to achieve satisfactory results.  We are so impressed with them.” 

Afrikanet has been on the African continent for over 15 year today and has been offering tailored solutions to fit every individual desires and global requirements.  Today Afrikanet is one of the international providers that has invested in infrastructures with partners to provide satisfactory services.


With our Current BACK TO SCHOOL PROMO with our MINI VSAT Product, we intend to facilitate, learning in the cheapest manner.  Until 30th October 2016, Afrikanet’s is breaking prices for our MINI VSAT to enable school, homes, small offices benefit from cheap and affordable connectivity to the internet.

Afrikanet is also gaining ground in the provision of Solar and renewable Energy. We offer cheap and tailored solar energy solutions to enable rural and urban homes stay electrified.   For more information contact us:

UK Head office,                                                            Cameroon                                       Ivory Coast

+44 1865 408 566                                                        +237 242 621 739                        +225 87 01 57 65

+44 1865 407 010                                                        +44 56 01 56 9712     




Written : Ivo Takah

©copyright 2016.

AFDB helps Cote D’Ivoire train the next generation of agriculture entrepreneurs

 The African Development Bank’s Agriculture and Agro-industry Department (OSAN) in conjunction with the Ministry for the Promotion of Youth, Youth Employment, and Civic Engagement of Côte d’Ivoire held a workshop at the Bank in Abidjan on the 8th of July to reflect on the imperatives for the successful implementation of ENABLE Youth-Cote d’Ivoire (CI).
The Bank will work in close collaboration with the Consultative Group for International Agriculture Research to place young graduates in incubation centers where they will receive skilled training on the priority value chains.  The graduates will then be provided with assistance in developing bankable business plans and obtaining financing to launch their enterprises.panneau-de-control
To further contribute to the success of the ‘agripreneurs’, the Bank will concomitantly work with its regional member countries to foster an enabling environment that clarifies land tenure, facilitates market access, creates incentives, eases regulations, and improves access to credit. In view of the 30 regional member countries, including Côte D’Ivoire, who have already expressed interest in the program, ENABLE Youth will seek to create 300,000 agricultural enterprises and 1.5 million jobs for youths across Africa over the next five years.
In his opening remarks, OSAN Director, Chiji Ojukwu, underscored the incredible opportunities provided by the agricultural sector to address youth unemployment in Africa: the sector is not only the largest in the economy, employing over 60% of Africans, it is also the most important in terms of job creation.Read More



The Afrikanet mission has had a major boost for the past months after a reinforcement of the Academic team.

Indeed, with the support of our certified tutors, we welcomed trainees from Oman and Ivory Coast in the month of June and July 2016 consecutively; in order to prepare them for the GVF Certifications.Academy_uk

The purpose of this initiative was to provide a better quality of service to our customers and involve them more in the VSAT technology, in order to equip them with a better understanding of Satellite Communications and satellite technology as a whole.

According to the, ‘‘satellite communications has become more popular, the number of earth stations entering the marketplace has increased dramatically.” In that light, Afrikanet is determined to follow advancements in satellite technology by training more engineers, technicians and clients to become GVF certified. The training and certifications offered by the GVF program is of global standard for satellite communication training.

Courses are done online and certified tutors are put at the disposal of learners for support. It is important to note that our courses are not only intended for technical enthusiasts but also for non-technical trainees, and to all fields of industry using the VSAT technology. For example, in June 2016, we welcomed a candidate from Oman Government who brilliantly succeeded the GVF510/GVF520 exams edition 2 sessions of 2016. After such training, trainees can only feel confident to build initiatives, act positively and tackle major field challenges.

Follow the example of SODEXAM Ivory Coast, which believed in the added value of training and released two of their ENGINEER to take part at our GVF BOOTCAMP training last June in Oxford. Joel and Octave experience and knowledge gained of satellite communication, field installations and troubleshooting process will equip them to boost their productivity and impact others in their respective roles.

Our Afrikanet Academy team is available to inform you more about all of our offers and to accompany you for all training needs from VSAT installation to Project Management in telecommunication.

Comprenez et contrôlez votre réseau


Solarwinds est une entreprise qui propose des programmes pour faciliter le travail des ingénieurs informatique. Leurs produits permettent de faciliter la gestion d’un réseau, d’un système informatique (serveurs, switch, firewall), une base de données. Solarwinds vend aussi des interfaces pour contrôler les équipements en réseau et des système de sécurité informatique.

Avec Afrikanet et Solarwind, vous pouvez vous équiper d’une connexion internet et d’un réseau informatique sécurisé et le configurer facilement.  De plus, vous pourrez visualiser les données qui circulent sur votre réseau et localiser plus facilement les problèmes.

Si vous souhaitez acquérir ce type d’infrastructure, nos experts Project Design Afrikanet sont à votre disposition pour vous conseiller et vous guider.

Vous pouvez nous contacter au  à Oxford, au +237 242621739 au Cameroun ou par email


Internet evolution in Africa

Since the beginning of the century, we have seen an incredible growth of the Internet worldwide. Indeed, the number of users over the past 15 years has exploded, from 360 millions 985 492, the 31 December 2000, we are passed to 3 billion 366 260 056, the 30 November 2015, be almost half of the world population (7, 259 902 243 billions).


This super connectivity is even more spectacular on the African continent, since 2000, only 4 million 514 400 people were connected, against 330 million 965 359,  in November 2015 , an incredible increase of Internet users more than 7000 % in 15 years.
 The Africa, which account for 16% of the world population, sees the Internet develop very quickly across the continent, such as some countries increase the number of users by thousand.



Kenya is the third African country to have the most Internet users, after Egypt (2nd, with 48.3 million ) and Nigeria (1st, with 92.7 million ), with 31 million 985 048 users but in contrary at the others African countries, the Kenyan population is almost entirely connected. For most African countries such as Ghana and Cameroon, development of the Internet is also very fast , being multiplied by hundred. While some countries have even seen the number of users grow by thousands, as in Congo Rep. Dem., Internet users increased by 4.7 thousand people. Internet evolution in Africa has reached a lot this 15 years past,

There are still a lot of work before connecting entirely Africa , but with Afrikanet , we continue to connect it !


Annonce Countdown

Dear clients,

Christmas parties are coming, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a shiny and brilliant 2016 year!

We would like to thank you for following us this year, through newsletters and social media.

From 22nd to 31st January, we are going to post every day an article covering 2015 main events: It could be a promotion you liked, an interesting project or
Afrikanet‘s actualities which captivated you a lot, like “the  recent Amos5 disappearance”.

Just tell us which promotion you would like to see for 24H, this 24th December, or which project you would like to have more information.

Send a quick message to

Chers clients,

Comme la fin de l’année approche, nous aimerions vous souhaiter de joyeuses fêtes, et une brillante et prospère année 2016 !
Nous vous remercions de nous avoir suivi durant toute l’année l’actualité d’Afrikanet via les Newsletters, et les réseaux sociaux.

A partir du 22 Décembre jusqu’au 31 Décembre, nous posterons chaque jour un article reprenant les évènements marquants de cette année passée : cela peut être une promotion qui vous a plu et/ou que vous n’avez pas pu saisir, un projet qui vous a intéressé, ou encore un article de les actualités d’Afrikanet qui vous ont passionées, captivées, tel que derniérement la disparition du satellite Amos5. 
Pour cela, dîtes nous quelle promotion vous voulez voir ou revoir pour 24H, sur quel projet ou événement vous voulez avoir plus d’information !

N’hésitez pas à envoyer un mail à

What happened with Amos5

Something wrong happened on Saturday above the Earth! Contact with the Israeli communications satellite Amos 5 was lost on Saturday 21th November.
Launched in 2011, Amos 5 was in geostationary orbit over Africa. Its coverage extends over Africa, Europe and Middle East. This satellite is regarded as playing a major role in Africa’s emerging satellite services market. Indeed, the satellite generates more than 40 million US dollars in Internet and TV orders.
For the moment, specialists don’t know what happened:  a mechanical failure, a short circuit, or being struck by a meteor or space junk are all possibilities.
Don’t worry, we have the solution! Thanks to our partner Arqiva, we replaced our big 16.4 meters Antenna which was focused on Amos 5 toward the Eutelsat E8W satellite.
We have taken all the necessary arrangements and ours customers won’t see the difference.
We are currently working with Eutelsat as well to propose you our best coverage for Africa, with more than 10 satellites. Find below the E8W coverage, which we recently start to use:

Eutelsat E8W satellite coverage using C-Band:

Indeed, with a recent reprogramming of new space craft on iDirect HUB, and thanks to Eutelsat, we still cover all African continent on C-Band (picture above), Ku-band and Ka-band. Let show us our satellite coverage which allow you to benefit on the best connection as possible.
Ku-Band coverage:
Eutelsat 16A – 16° East



Telstar T11-N – 37° West

As you can see, we have a full African coverage
After Amos5 accident, we took all ours precautions to ensure all the C-band connectivity on the ground. We tried to quickly provide a fast and reliable connection and minimize all the network crashes. If you were impacted by this connection gap, we apologize and warrant our best quality services since Amos5 stopped working.

Christmas Promotion !

Christmas holidays put everyone in a good mood and that’s not different for Afrikanet. As a special Christmas holiday offer, we are offering a special promotional discount to everyone purchasing a WAKA equipment before the end of the year 2015!
Discover more about WAKA and our unique offer…


With AFRIKANET, benefit from 2 months free for any 6 months subscription on the bandwidth, starting from the offer “Super” to “Tungsten” or 1 month offered if you subscribe to the offer “Basic Plus” and “Office”.

WAKA prices

Don’t miss our incredible Christmas promotion, only available until the 31th December

Innovation, Transformation & Leadership for Digital Africa

Meet and network with 10,000+ attendees, 350+ speakers and 375+ exhibitors

And experience 90+ hours of content and 25+ hours of networking… 18th ANNUAL AFRICACOM EXHIBITION at CAPE TOWN in SOUTH AFRICA


AFRIKANET will be present at Africacom for Innovation, Transformation & Leadership for Digital Africa, from 17 to 19 November 2015 to Cape Town in South Africa.

What to expect in 2015 in AFRICACOM

Making Africa a digital world leader NEW

  • Making the most of Africa’s innovation leadership, how to boost services
  • Investing in Digital Africa, who, where and how? NEW

Improving broadband and access across Africa NEW

  • Assessing the impact of LTE launches on broadband access across Africa
  • Regulation and partnerships: working together to maximise investment, planning and reach

Profitability and sustainability in digital Africa NEW

  • What are the optimum tools for operators to improve the cost-efficiency of their operations?
  • Serving the under served: interviews and strategies to deliver digital communications across Africa’s planning and reachheader-vision-africa-keynotes